Tuesday, January 28, 2020
On the Value of a Degree in the Philippines Essay Example for Free
On the Value of a Degree in the Philippines Essay The employment chances of a fresh college graduate is only 4 in 10, with only 1 in that 4 attaining work relevant to one’s course. Even in light of the unprecedented growth of 6. 6% in GDP over the last year, the labor sector fails to follow suit in what economists characterize as a job-shedding growth. So where does a college degree place us? With the increased pressures on the youth to attend college, many consider the existence of a higher education bubble. The concept hypothesizes, in part, that movements in factors such as tuition payments and unemployable graduates severely decrease the rate of return to a college degree up to a point where it is rendered useless. In the case of the Philippines, effective capping of tuition fees to relatively affordable rates, spaces us from a bubble as of yet. However, it is to be stressed that with everyone jumping in the college wagon all at once – as is apparent now– we will soon find college degrees as no more useful than scratch, and then the true bubble begins. There are too many college graduates. All college students should be aware that although a degree does open doors it loses much of its value as more and more people achieve this accolade. In 2012, a total of 517,425 college students graduated and entered the labor force. With another half a million expected to graduate in March this year, there is increasing concern on their place in the labor market. The number of graduates increase over the years, however jobs increase terribly less, if they increase at all – 882,000 jobs were reported to have disappeared in 2012. Since too many people compete for the same job, employers can afford to lower wages or increase qualifications as much as possible. This is apparent in the over qualification of some jobs – now supermarket baggers or janitors are expected to have had some years of college or even graduated the same, as opposed to the minimum of high school undergraduate in most other countries. College courses are insufficient or incompatible with jobs offered in the market. The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) holds job and livelihood fairs across the country, recently offering a total of 360,777 job vacancies. But on a nationwide count only 5,101 job applicants were hired on the spot. In another attempt, the government posted in its Phil. JobNet website 230,000 jobs but only 117,000 applied. Apparently, the jobs created by the government are inconsistent with what graduates believe they deserve or were trained for in those four or more years of education. To add, even once employed underemployment lingers – tainting up to about 7. 2 million job matches – with insufficient base pay as main culprit. Nearly everyone believes a college education is essential. In our society, the college degree has been stigmatized as the best and surest – and sometimes only – path to take in preparation for one’s career. This is contestable however as evidenced in European countries where entrepreneurship and technical education are much more popular and profitable paths than college. The Philippines doesn’t necessarily lack these options, (i. e. TESDA) rather we lack awareness and social approval for these said alternatives. Solutions De-emphasize the necessity of a college degree. The higher education system of countries like Germany, remain stable and un-depreciated, since non-professional or non-corporate jobs are highly popular and equally regarded with college education. Removing the stigma of a college degree can relieve pressure on prices and rates of return to higher education. Therefore, introducing and popularizing technical courses – which are actually highly demanded – can solve much of the Philippine labor problem. Redesigning colleges and curriculums to incorporate in-demand jobs. Supply may be easier adjusted to cope with the requirements of demand, rather than the other way around. Close association with firms accompanied by an overhaul of course curriculums to better suit the needs of employers can effectively reduce mismatch. Administrators and faculty should understand the factors at work in how their programs are depreciating since if the market for college degrees becomes over-saturated we will all pay the price of meaningless degrees and poor opportunity for many in the workplace. Many experts and opinions point to the government’s futile efforts at job creation (i. e. demand) as the main antagonist in this story. However, the equally policy-relevant yet rarely focused upon supply side of labour may offer other, more easily interceded directions. Solving the Philippines’ problems on labour is a tall order however attacking from all sides – both demand and supply – can better efforts towards the nationwide goal of inclusive growth. Reference: Higher Education Bubble Will Burst, May 3, 2011 http://www. usnews. com/education/blogs/the-college-solution/2011/05/03/higher-education-bubble-will-burst, Accessed February 11, 2013 The Value of a Degree, May 06, 2011 http://www. popecenter. org/commentaries/article. html? id=2517, Accessed February 11, 2013 Joblessness: How deep, what needs to be done?, February 06, 2013. http://www. bworldonline. com/content. php? section=Opiniontitle=Joblessness:-How-deep,-what-needs-to-be-done? id=65457, Accessed February 11 ,2013 For inclusive growth: Jobs with higher wages, February 9, 2013 http://www. philstar. com/opinion/2013/02/09/906642/inclusive-growth-jobs-higher-wages, Accessed February 11 ,2013 Oversupply of Unemployable Graduates, January 23, 2010 http://planetphilippines. com/migration/a-disastrous-oversupply-of-unemployable-graduates, Accessed February 11 ,2013 Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics Commission on Higher Education.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Great Depression Essay -- essays research papers
The Great Depression was a time of sadness and poverty for many. It became an unforgettable historical time in American history. The author of the book The Great Depression, Pierre Berton gives a clear view of what happened from 1929-1941. He basically outlines the Depression event by event, explaining what happened where and who was involved. Although many books can tell stories of the depression, I think the author of this book did a good job getting all the facts and letting the reader know exactly what happened.      It is easily shown that the author, Pierre Berton, didn’t show much opinion in this book. He mainly focused on just the facts. He would however give some personal views of reasons for certain things or explanations. He probably got most of his information from a textbook or actual documents. He did a good job compiling these facts into a time line of events. He explains who each important person is that was involved in the times of the depression and all important laws passed.      He began talking about the crash of the market, dubbed Black Thursday. The crash spelled disaster for the national economy. Corporations with heavy investments faced a sudden shock to their assets. This was the beginning of the depression. The national income slipped lower each year from 1929-1932, and it did not return until World War II. Unemployment became the most important problem of the depression to the people living in the US. Another major problem was that the agricultural prices were cut almost in half, and many farms foreclosed because of it. The author goes on to say that there are many different theories as to why the stock market crashed that day. One was that the attempts of the US government and the Federal Reserve Board to stop speculation caused an overreaction in the market, leading to the selling panic.      The next big event in the book was the effects the stock market crash had on America. The author did a great job by including interesting statistics and facts. In 1930, farm income had fallen to the lowest it has been since 1921. A result of this was that farmers didn’t have enough money. According to Berton 5 percent of farmers lost their land. Nowhere was it worse than in the dust bowl, a farming area in the Midwest. Many farmers were forced to move west because o... ...ever got off subject at any time. The reviewer also compliments Berton on his writing style. The way he would write was a way that he always made sense and made it interesting. I can’t disagree with that either, I found the book very interesting, it was hard to put down.      The Great Depression was full of facts and interesting information, and I learned a lot from it. Pierre Berton didn’t present his information with any kind of bias, he just stated what was true. Occasionally he would add in some personal views, but they never strayed far from the truth. The book basically told the story of exactly what happened to the economy during the depression, and Berton did a great job explaining each part of it. He never tried to put in his opinions and state that they were fact. He never had an argument, he was just telling a story of the depression. Therefore there was no side he could’ve taken one way or the other. He wrote his words so that it was understandable for all. He made sure to add in some interesting facts and tell stories in order to keep the reader interested. I think Berton did a great job in summing up the cause and effects of the depression.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
A Child in Pre-Revolutionary America
Perhaps I am too young to be on the right side, my mother told me. As a five year old in Pre-Revolutionary America, I am unable to understand the true meaning of the â€Å"writs of assistance†or the â€Å"Sugar Act.†However, I feel enough for my family and the people I love to want nonviolence to prevail. In other words, I would not want bloodshed to enter my home, nor affect the friends I have got here, including the few British friends I have recently made and who are honestly good to me. I know about the Indian clashes against the British.While they were happening – as they still do from time to time – my mother was silent most of the time. Yet, my father, who is a prominent lawyer and the owner of a large estate, which is referred to as a Colonial home, told me everything possible about a bigger war that may or may not be started, depending upon the conditions between the British Empire and the people of the Colonies.My father is a gre at man. My mother tells me that Dad is visited by some of the brightest people in the Colonies. And yet, I cannot force myself to believe in him when he tells me that the people are generally unhappy with the British Empire.When I was born, the British Empire was my so-called ruler anyway. I did not care that they formed my government. Neither do I care now. I would rather allow the British Empire to stay on and pursue their goals in the Colonies, than to see war kill my family and all of my friends. My mother, who writes poetry, tells me that my father might have to go to some of the most influential people of America and advise them in the event of a big war. I do not want to believe her.More importantly, I fear for her more than anything else, perhaps, in the event that my father goes away during the big war that is expected and not expected at the same time. At one time when my father became seriously ill, my mother nearly died of sadness. She wrote and published a beautiful, sad poem in the New York Mercury at the time. When she read the poem to me and told me how appreciated the poem was by all the people who knew her, I informed her that she need not be sad anymore because she has succeeded.She reminded me, however, that it is perfectly appropriate to be sad in the event of one’s husband’s illness. I changed the topic then. But I somehow gathered that at the back of her mind was the fear that my father might lose his life during a big war with the British Empire that the people in the Colonies were about ready to wage. Perhaps a poem would not be able to alleviate her suffering at a time like that!The other day when some so-called intellectuals were visiting my home, my mother told me that they were asking all the women at the gathering, including herself, to consider working on the fashions of the times that would have nothing whatsoever to do with the British imported fashions. Mom explained to me later that even my clothing was British most of the time. Dad said that that was not true.Perhaps it is only in part true that I wear the kinds of clothes that British children wear in America. And so, Mom was asked along with many other women to start thinking of new fashions that could be introduced in the absence of the British after the big expected and unexpected war.Although I do not know yet what the new fashions may or may not be, I would be interested in seeing my mother act creatively while designing the new clothes, and stop thinking about war while she is at it. Maybe she does not think about war all of the time. But I feel that she does.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Leadership Styles And Standards For Creating Healthy Work...
NUR 565: Leadership and Healthy Work Environments Economist John Maynard Keynes once said that â€Å"the hardest thing is not to get people to accept new ideas; it is to get them to forget old ones†(Porter-O’Grady, Malloch, 2015). In the United States, the healthcare system is a testament to this. Both leadership styles and standards for creating healthy work environments are factors immediately affecting healthcare and its development today. Assessing current leaderships styles and suggesting the inclusion of more contemporary styles helps to spark growth and improvement among healthcare professionals. Likewise, assessing the current standards within healthcare settings helps to identify areas that could benefit from intervention. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) has recognized six standards for establishing a healthy work environment that evaluates skilled communication, true collaboration, effective decision making, appropriate staffing, meaningful recognition, authentic leadership within the organization (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, 2016). By utilizing the AACN Assessment Questionnaire as an assessment of these six standards, I was able to evaluate the current working environment within my unit. In this project, I will elaborate on the concept of leadership and the standards making up a healthy work environment in an effort to effect change within my nursing practice and my health care environment as a whole. 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