Monday, May 25, 2020
Lost Identity Found Essays - 1862 Words
Lost Identity Found Stuart Hall writes that â€Å"Identity is not as transparent or unproblematic as we think†(Hall 392). Hanif Kareishi, a visual minority growing up in racially charged England, experiences uncertainty and frustration relating to his sense of identity. Salman Rushdie, author of short stories â€Å"The Courter†and â€Å"Good Advice Is Rarer Than Rubies,†develops characters who experience similar identity crises. In his piece, â€Å"The Rainbow Sign,†Kareishi explores three responses to encounters with a foreign and hostile culture: outright rejection of the foreign culture, complete assimilation into foreign culture, or adoption of a synthesis of the two cultures. Kareishi himself embraces each of these different approaches at†¦show more content†¦Miss Rehana is unlike these other women. When offered a passport by Muhammad Ali, she rejects it. In an interview with the British immigration officers, she purposely answers questions incorrectly. Miss Rehana purposely dismisses an opportunity to live in Britain. Muhammad Ali sees her behavior as an example of the â€Å"curse of our people†¦We are poor, we are ignorant, and we completely refuse to learn†(Rushdie12). Ali attributes Miss Rehana’s rejection of Britain to her stupidity. It becomes obvious, however, that Miss Rehana is pleased with her choice: â€Å"Her last smile, which he watched from the compound until the bus concealed it in a dust-cloud, the happiest thing he had ever seen in his long, hard, unloving life†(15-16). She preferred to return to â€Å"Lahore and [her] job†(15) to â€Å"work in a great house, as ayah to three good boys†(15). The south-Asian woman chooses the familiarity and security of her current environment to the unknowns of Britain. Even when presented with an opportunity to escape from her poverty and life of service, Miss Rehana dismisses it. Miss Rehana rejects Britain and her satisfaction with the dec ision is palpable. Certainly-Mary, a character in â€Å"The Courter,†also chooses to reject Britain in favor of her native India. Certainly-Mary, a nanny and housekeeper, follows her employers to Britain. Even after many years, British lifestyle confuses and alienates her: â€Å"’These English†¦ But aren’t they the limit?†(184). One day, Mary falls illShow MoreRelatedEssay on Indentity Loss783 Words  | 4 Pages In The Odyssey and The English Patient the main character, Odysseus and Almasy, suffer from a form of identity loss and try to regain it. They both regain their identity through the help of other people. Every person that stumbles across a piece of their past helps them regain a piece of their identity. Because he cannot remember Almasy must get help remembering his past from the people around him. One of his first memories came from the book â€Å"he brought with him through the fire- a copy of theRead More Jack Kerouac’s On The Road - The Impact of Dean on Sals Identity1029 Words  | 5 Pagesof Dean on Sals Identity in On the Road   In part I, chapter 3 of Jack Kerouacs On the Road, Sal arrives at Des Moines and checks into a cheap, dirty motel room. He sleeps all day and awakens in time to witness the setting sun. As he looks around the unfamiliar room, Sal realizes that he doesnt understand his own identity. Identity lost, he states I was half way across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future. He has lost the calming influenceRead MoreAnalysis Of Paul Auster s City Of Glass Essay1523 Words  | 7 Pagesmajor character in Paul Auster’s City of Glass, we observe a quest for identity; while also see the extent of society’s influence on someone identity. In City of Glass by Auster, Quinn uses vast identities in his quest to find his own identity. By taking on vast identities, Quinn figures who he is not, which is a step in figuring who he is. While in â€Å"The Man with the Twisted Lip†by Sir Arthur Doyle, we see Hugh Boone using an identi ty has a means of survival. Hugh tries to escape the natural†class orderRead MoreThe Cultural Background Of Texas974 Words  | 4 Pagesbackground that spans from indigenous groups, to Spanish colonials, to Tejanos, and many different cultural groups. Identity in Texas can shift from personal and racial perceptions. Culture and identity can change naturally overtime with major societal changes. Raà ºl Ramos discusses the formation changes of the Bexareno identity in his book Beyond the Alamo. Ramos explains how identity among the Tejanos, people of Mexican decent born or living in Texas, shift from the early days of Mexican Texas toRead MoreEssay about Personality Development of Joseph Paul Franklin1689 Words  | 7 PagesFranklin’s life this tool is as Erikson’s tool, useful and appropriate. It offers a means of which to study Franklin’s actions himself where Erikson’s theory will offer a means to chronicle what happened to Franklin and how that helped him develop his identity. These are two very different tests but they serve different and equally important purposes, as does the Five Factor Model trait analysis. This analytic tool is decidedly short on weaknesses because of its history of development and the trait analysesRead MoreRomeo and Chrysalids Essay1005 Words  | 5 Pagesusually suicides because they have lost someone they love. The novel, The Chrysalids by John Wyndham also has people risking their lives or even suicide because they will or are not able to live without the person they love. However, the short story, â€Å"No Renewal†shows that Douglas doesn’t appreciate his new lifestyle because he already made his old lifestyle part of his identity. All these texts suggest that when one loses someone or something that is part of one’s identity, one may willingly welcome deathRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Coriolanus 1199 Words  | 5 PagesI feel as through the name that was giv en to me at birth is almost like a blank canvas. My birth name holds no identity in and of itself; Instead, it is the independent choices that I make for myself that will determine what my birth name will come to represent. Additionally, I can also relate to Coriolanus’ feelings of fear because I do not know how to go about finding my own identity. As a matter of fact, I empathize with Coriolanus’ fickleness when it comes to defining his sense of self. SpecificallyRead MoreCathy Song Paper1246 Words  | 5 Pagesposed this question. This quote relates directly to the poem â€Å"Lost Sister†by Cathy Song where a young girl struggles to find an identity in China, and believes America may be able to provide what her homeland could not. Cathy Song wrote â€Å"Lost Sister†in 1983. This poem has deep connections to Song’s ties to her Asian culture. Cathy song was born and raised in Hawaii however her Asian roots influence many of her poems including â€Å"Lost Sister†. This poem deals directly with the culture clash of twoRead MoreA Separate Peace Character Analysis1162 Words  | 5 Pagesdeal with the intertwining stress of highschool and World War 2. The story A Separate Peace by John Knowles is about identity, and reveals that when one is separated from one’s self, they are more lost than ever. This is because of Gene and Phineas’ relationship, Leper’s experience in the war, and Gene’s feelings after Phineas’ accident. To begin with, A Separate Peace is about identity because of Gene’s relationship with Phineas. The pair is so close that they are practically the same person. Gene’sRead MoreEssay about Why Is Personal Identity Important in Lockes View?1596 Words  | 7 PagesIn his essay Of Identity and Diversity, Locke talks about the importance of personal identity. The title of his essay gives an idea of his view. Identity, according to Locke, is the memory and self consciousness, and diversity is the faculty to transfer memories across bodies and souls. In order to make his point more understandable, Locke defines man and person. Locke identifies a man as an animal of a certain form and a person as a thinking intelligent being. Furthermore, to Locke, a person has
Monday, May 18, 2020
Happiness Is A Person s Wellbeing - 938 Words
Definition of Happiness In society happiness is depicted as a person’s wellbeing in terms of wealth and status. The definition can vary due to an individual perception of life. By that being said happiness is not something that can be shown through materialistic things, but more so a person’s state of being internally. In addition to that, happiness can be misinterpreted due to society making happiness be something that only a person who lives lavish or have the attributes of a normal or perfect life. Because happiness is based off of an individualistic view, one cannot judge another person’s happiness in terms of what is or is not happiness in a person’s life. Scholars and society can often view happiness wrong due to the judgement of another person’s life. According to Frey and Stutzer, â€Å"they are argue that several biases combine to cause people to overvalue extrinsic benefits and undervalue intrinsic benefits†(1). Although they point out that people put more effort into wealth and less into family time that does not infer that they are overvaluing extrinsic benefit then intrinsic because one may feel that having wealth is a number one priority because in result to that their family will live comfortable. In addition to that this shows that scholars and society are judging the way a person may value opportunities in their life and how he may sacrifice the more intrinsic value than the extrinsic, but to only ensure that the intrinsic values in his life are taken careShow MoreRelatedPositive Psychology Influencing: The onset of a Positive Lifestyle and Positive Health982 Words  | 4 PagesPositive Psychology Influencing The Onset of a Positive Lifestyle and Positive Health There have been numerous studies in the realm of Positive Psychology and the effects it can influence in other sectors of a person’s overall wellbeing, especially in terms of attaining a positive mindset and treatment of negative general disorders, the short term benefits of a positive psychological outlook and the long term health and lifestyle benefits that are produced from it. In a 2006 journal article, ParkRead MoreIdentifying And Understanding The Factors That Shape Health1636 Words  | 7 Pageslife expectancy. Ideally, the element of social support has been thought to offer a potential pathway for the promotion of health among the aged adults. Fundamentally, social support is one of the most essential factors in predicting the emotional wellbeing and physical health of everyone. Too often, the presence of social support shows some advantages among the impacted individuals, especially among the aged adults (Landau Litwin, 2001). Knowing that there are family members , relatives, and friendsRead MoreThe Importance Of Happiness And Happiness1221 Words  | 5 PagesHow important is money to your happiness? What are you willing to do - or give up - in order to acquire a lot of it? Write an essay that explores the connection between your financial wellbeing and your overall satisfaction with life. (Reading - â€Å"The Happiness Project†by Shaun Pett p. 230) He comes empty-handed and leaves the world empty-handed Since no one is destined to live forever then why he ruins his life running behind the moneyRead MoreDemocratic Ideals Shaped America And The Pursuit Of Happiness1557 Words  | 7 Pagesfunctions with these Common Ideals. Life, liberty and the Pursuit of happiness, The Common good, Justice, Equality, Diversity, Truth, Popular Sovereignty, Patriotism are all part of the Democratic ideals. If the United states did not have these ideas our country would not be a country. There are seven words that pop into individuals head when you are discussing the Constitution, Life, liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. A meaning of life is That as americans we have a privilege to live withoutRead MoreWhat Makes A Person Happy?1366 Words  | 6 Pages What makes a person happy? (Lyubomirsky, 2007) states that happiness is determined 10% by circumstances, 40% intentional activity and 50% genetically inherited. However, there is believed to be many influences on the happiness of an individual. (Pursuit of Happiness, 2017) believe that there are 7 habits of happy people. People who have one of more close friends and people who volunteer or care for others on a consistent basis are believed to be happier. Taking part in an activity that requiresRead MoreUtilitarianism Is Inconsistent With The Demands Of Friendship872 Words  | 4 PagesFriendship requires partiality and altruism. If one aims to build a friendship, s/he must show partiality by making sacrifices that benefit this friend in lieu of maximizing pleasure for all. Utilitarianism requires persons to act only in ways that benefit hedonic utility – maximizing pleasure while minimizing pain. Utilitarianism forgoes partiality and requires that an individual only commit actions that benefit the greater good. Thus, friendship – an act that requires partiality – and UtilitarianismRead MoreDoes Martial Status Affect Happiness1039 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: DOES MARTIAL STATUS AFFECT HAPPINESS 1 Are Married Couples Happier than Unmarried Individuals? Linda A. Jones Norfolk State University DOES MARTIAL STATUS AFFECT HAPPINESS 2 AbstractRead MoreUtilitarianism : A Look At J.s1731 Words  | 7 PagesMill was a British philosopher in the 19th century whose views continue to change the world today. He was a proponent of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is based on consequentialism and happiness. So in order to understand utilitarianism we must first understand what consequentialism is, and then understand how happiness is related. Consequentialism is a philosophical view in which morality means to produce the right kind of consequences. This could lead one to ask what the right kinds of consequencesRead MoreThe New Role Of Parenting Or Caring Informal And Formal Support Services1468 Words  | 6 Pagesprovide tips and advice for parents and carers. Another online service is Tresillian, which is Australia s largest early parenting organisation. Tresillian s services offer mums and dads practical, hands-on advice for their baby, toddler or pre-schoo ler, this advice can be furthered into supporting the parent in fulfilling their role as a parent/carer. A Paediatricians role is to promote a child s well-being and to help parents raise healthy, well-adjusted children, therefore, providing advice whenRead MoreHeading : Work And Capitalism 1227 Words  | 5 PagesHEADING: â€Å"Work and Capitalism†. /Travis Ellis The reason capitalism is inimical to happiness is because the bourgeois control the means of production, which has a detrimental effect on the proletariat financially. The balances of power between the bourgeois and the proletariat are always uneven and place the proletariat at a disadvantage. This imbalance of power alienates the employees; by placing the proletariat in menial role and this creates no room for development in any new skills. The
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Why Do Mathematical Equations And Formulas Are Difficult...
Part A 1. One of the things I have the easiest time remembering is numbers, especially phone numbers. I also find it easy to remember the names of people that I have met. Mathematical equations and formulas are very easy for me to remember too. Things that are difficult for me to remember include lists of items, especially grocery lists. I also have difficulty remembering dates in history as well as people’s faces. 2. Prior knowledge helped me learn how to find the partial derivatives of equations. I learned how to find normal derivatives in my Calculus I class and how to find partial derivatives in my Calculus III class. Knowing all the derivative rules from Calculus I made it much easier when having to find partial derivatives†¦show more content†¦4. The processes of encoding and retrieval work much like that of a filing cabinet system. Our brain encoding some piece of information would be analogous to a piece of paper being filed away while retrieval would be analogous to finding a paper that was previously filed. Furthermore, in class, we discussed how we may not always remember events exactly how they actually happened. This would be analogous to how paper in the filing system may yellow or become worn over time, so when it is retrieved, it is not exactly the same as when it was first filed away. 5. I have a script for when I first start a class at the beginning of the semester. I first stake out a seat in the classroom, close to the front of the room because I know from experience that often times the seat you are in on the first day of class remains your seat until the end of the semester. This script also guides how I behave in class, which typically involves being quiet and kept to myself. In addition, this script guides to what extent I participate in class. For example, when an instructor presents a question to the class, I offer an answer. Part B 1. Idea 1 I discussed the idea of mnemonic devices with a friend of mine that attends another university. I explained specifically the first-letter method of mnemonic devices and how you can create a word from the first letter of each word that you are needing to remember. I also told her about the example that the textbook
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diary Entries - 723 Words
Day 1: My day started as any other day. We all got on the plane, on our way too a place, I forgot the name. Then the next thing, the plane was in flames and we crashed on the island. I was climbing this hill when I heard this sound, I took the choirboys with me and we found this boy with a shell and a bunch of other boys crowded around him. We all introduced ourselves and three of us when off to find food. I was with Ralph and Simon, this boy, Piggy, wanted to come but I told him â€Å"no.†We found a pig, I was so close to killing it. â€Å"â€Å"I was choosing a place,†said Jack. â€Å" I was just waiting for a moment to decide where to stick it.††( Golding 31.) I couldn’t bring myself to kill that pig. The rest of the boys got mad, I told them i would†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å" That little un that had a mark on his face- where is- he now? I tell you I dont see him.†( Golding 46 ). I don’t know who is gong to tell his parents. Thats all I got for now, until next time. -Jack Day 52: I am so proud of myself. I finally killed that darn pig. When we got to the fire on the hilltop, guess who was there, that Ralph. He got so mad then we let the fire go out. We just went to find a pig to eat. Simon didnt eat a piece, I threw a piece at him. I started yelling at all boys because I gave them food and they didnt eat. After I calmed down a bit, the hunting group started to reenact the killing of our pig. I slept good, my stomach was full. I was satisfied. - Jack Day 86: After what feels like years, but actually months. Things have taken a turn for the worst, the boys want me to be the leader, but i’m not sure if I can do it. Ralph doesnt want me to be chief, he thinks that is a bad idea because Im too reckless and, I want to get off this island as well as Ralph. He wants to be civilized and make shelters just in case we dont get off this island. He wants me to help, do I help, no way am I going to do work. Simon can help him, I really dont care. I just want to do things and not have Ralph tell me what to do. I cant wait to get off this island and away from Ralph and his pets Simon and Piggy. -Show MoreRelatedMy Diary Entries Essay1423 Words  | 6 Pagespainful arrow in the back I talked to my nearest friend and asked them what happened and can you look at my back but no one would listen. That day the High Priest and the King looked at the Barracks. The Commander was happy about our reports. Diary Entry 104 The sweetness of my wifes rolls were perfect it tasted like gold and today my son Ahmad was a Junior Patrol Guard. Also Dad came over and said he wanted to talk tomorrow it looked like he was in a rush-Mike Wolf I woke up this morning hearingRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Ann Frank s First Diary Entry985 Words  | 4 Pageswhile in school. Another name associated with Hitler as well as his time of power is Anne Frank. â€Å"...But I m not sorry, memories mean more to me than dresses.†From Anne Frank’s first diary entry (Simkin, John.) that simple sentence speaks volumes to what kind of person Anne was. From books, plays, movies and her diary about her life they have captivated so many for years. A child who grow up in a time that would go down in history and be forever remembered for generations to come, that still managedRead MoreDiary Entry Data Entry1274 Words  | 6 PagesData Entry I’m 17 years old so of course, I need a job. I want to be able to take care of myself and family. I search and search, putting in applications left and right. Nothing seems to be working out for me. Considering I had no experience in working no one wanted to hire me. At the beginning of the summer, I thought I would be able to work with my dad like he had promised, but sadly it was no such luck. As weeks went by my dad told me the job working with him was mine if I wanted it. Of courseRead MoreMacbeth Diary Entries1079 Words  | 5 Pagesthem to stay but in a blink of an eye, they suddenly disappeared into thin air.Macbeth was furious.Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me moreMacbeth Was truely interested in these creatures prophesy, but i just got a bad feeling about this. Dear Diary, The news my cousin brought filled me with an unimaginable grief. My family, brought to the graves by such feeble means, so defenceless and alone while I was off in England arguing with Malcolm about my loyalty, which how dare he question it! OnlyRead MoreElizabeth Eckford - Diary Entries Essay1106 Words  | 5 PagesElizabeth Eckford - Diary Entries May 17th, 1954 Dear Diary, Today the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the Brown case!! It is so terrific for 2 reasons: 1, because it is the end of school segregation, and 2, because the Chief Justice people have finally gotten their heads screwed on and opened their eyes. They finally saw that the Board of Education and â€Å"seperate but equal†was a lie. Because seriously, even the my next door neighbor s dog knew that not even the school books were equal to theRead More1960s Diary Entries1561 Words  | 7 Pages1960s Diary Entries Witness to the assassination of Malcolm X HIS 135 Dear Diary, I am one of many to witness the assassination of Malcolm X. On February 21, 1965 today we have lost a legacy. Malcolm X was a strong speaker, and was moved by many African Americans. He did so much to make us feel connected with our African American heritage. He would say the words that we would think but were scared to say. Malcolm X lost his life by the Nation of Islam; everyone is surrounded byRead MoreEssay About A Diary Entry766 Words  | 4 PagesEntry 4-Presently a black family car came roaring around the corner, halting to a stop just in front of the warehouse. Both of my parents immediately got to their feet, waiting expectantly for the doors of the car to open. That was when a man stepped out from the driver’s seat and started towards us, each step purposeful and confident. My Father stood straighter ready to confront and greet our extremely gracious and generous relative. They shook hands solemnly, making direct eye-contact as they discussedRead MoreR omeo and Juliet Diary Entries Essay1195 Words  | 5 PagesDear diary, as it is the first time I am writing to you, I would like to tell a little concerning myself. My name is Romeo, and I come from the Montague family, with my dad Mr. Montague and my mum Lady Montague. I am sixteen. Not that I have a high regard for myself, but I have to say that I am quite attractive, bright and sensitive. I live in the middle of a fierce fight between my family and the Capulet’s. This battle has started ages before I was born, and will keep on going for generations andRead MoreDiary Entries from Anne Frank799 Words  | 4 Pagesreally close at all. We just talk about normal day things, and I never really tell them my feelings or secrets. Therefore, I’m rather glad I have you, as you can be someone I can talk to when I’m feeling down, or when something has happened. I want my diary to be my friend, and I am going to call this friend kitty. Wednesday, 24th June 1942 Dearest Kitty, Oh what a day! A very very hot day it is, I’ve never really been grateful for the tram, but now I’ve realised just how pleasant it is instead ofRead MoreWhat Is A Diary?939 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is a diary? A diary is a bridge between the written language and our deepest emotions. The reason why a diary is so special is because it is most often used for one’s self, and not intended for publication. Therefore, there is no need to hide one’s true emotions since what is written has no chance of being shared or judged by anyone. Since a diary usually remains confidential, and free from judgement and criticism, it is one of the only places where a person has no need for a filter. It can
Comparison of Upanishads and Buddhism - 598 Words
The Upanishads and Buddhism believe in a â€Å"truer wisdom.†These are both pantheistic and monistic religions. Pantheistic doctrines consider all things to be divine, meanwhile monistic doctrines consider there to be one divine reality that all finite things are simply modes or appearances of (Livingston, â€Å"Deity: Concepts of The Divine And Ultimate Reality†, Page 163). The Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita and most western religions, have a different view on divine reality and salvation. These religions are mainly either polytheistic or monotheistic. Polytheistic doctrines consider there to be many gods and deities worthy of worship, but because it is a kind of theism, not all gods and deities are worshipped to an equal amount. Monotheistic doctrines consider there to be one transcendent, personal God. The Upanishads believe in Brahman, but Brahman is not actually an individual or a thing, it just exists. Brahman is one’s absolute self. Atman is a part of Brahman, but Atman is one’s non-material self, their soul. Brahman and Atman are not distinct, but are identical and are timeless and eternal (Livingston, â€Å"Deity: Concepts of The Divine And Ultimate Reality†, Page 169). In order to thrive in this religion’s divine reality, one must reach Brahman and enter into a state of perfect emptiness and inexpressible bliss (Livingston, â€Å"Soteriology: Ways And Goals Of Salvation†, Page 312). Buddhism affirms the practice of meditation and reaching liberation from your unreal self, also known asShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Hinduism And Buddhism863 Words  | 4 PagesPHIL 2120 Paper #1 Xinyang Wang Comparison of Permanence between Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism and Buddhism have common origins in the Ganges culture of northern India around 500 BCE. We have to admit that they share a lot of similarities, but also involve tons of differences. For example, as Hinduism claims that Atman is Brahman, Buddhism reject the existence of Atman. Hindus think that the way to becoming enlightened is to union with God, but Buddhists pursue a throughout understanding of theRead More Hinduism Essay841 Words  | 4 Pages-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 19, 1997 By Jordan Bruins Buddhism/Hinduism Comparison Report Hinduism is the oldest known religion and is very rich with literally hundreds of gods, symbolistic rituals and beliefs. It is believed to have been established around 1500 B.C. but no one person founded Hinduism as it evolved over a long period of time. Buddhism on the other hand has a definite founder, Siddhartha Gautama who is otherwise known as the Buddha orRead MoreIslam, Hinduism, Buddhism And Christianity Comparison1025 Words  | 5 PagesPractices of Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity Comparison Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity developed centuries ago and have been practiced since then to today. Groups of people who practice these religions are bound to the conventional norms, beliefs, cultures and way of life of each. Each religion has a particular faith in a supreme being (Woodhead, Partridge Kawanami, 2016). Muslims believe in Allah, Christians believe in Jesus Christ, Hindus believe inRead More The Historical Context of The Bhagavad Gita and Its Relation to Indian Religious Doctrines2505 Words  | 11 Pagesdefinitely the most widely-read, ethical text of ancient India. As an episode in Indias great epic, the Mahabharata, The Bhagavad Gita now ranks as one of the three principal texts that define and capture the essence of Hinduism; the other two being the Upanishads and the Brahma Sutras. Though this work contains much theology, its kernel is ethical and its teaching is set in the context of an ethical problem. The teaching of The Bhagavad Gita i s summed up in the maxim your business is with the deed and notRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism : Diversity And World Cultures1021 Words  | 5 Pages8/12/2015 Introduction I have chosen Hinduism and Buddhism as the two religions for this assignment. With religion being such an intricate part of many cultures, I found these religions most interesting due to their similarity. Both of these religions originated in the subcontinent of India, these religions have had an awkward relationship that can be compared to Christianity and Judaism. The belief is that Buddhism is an off shoot of the Hindu religion. My goal is to address the questionsRead MoreWorld Religion : Judaism, Hinduism, And Islam Essay1391 Words  | 6 Pagesfirst glance and hearing about, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam these five religions-look and sound a lot alike. Each one was founded and developed by mankind, follow a list of religious principles and directives to live by, and they all share the same consciousness of wrong doings being reconciled. Because anyone can strike up a new religion at any time, however, religion cannot be judged on how it looks or sounds . As a comparison we will see just how different these religionsRead MoreBuddhism and Islam: A Comparison3045 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿Buddhism and Islam: A Comparison Abstract In this essay, I have made a comparison between the two most renowned worlds religions i.e. Buddhism and Islam. In the beginning of the essay, I have given a detailed account of Buddhism and Islam to give a basic knowledge regarding the two faiths. In the next part, I have given a comprehensive comparison of the two religions highlighting their similarities and differences. Introduction Two of the most famous and major religions followed by people inRead MoreThe Concept of Yagna and Vedic Cultural Values1545 Words  | 6 Pageshim (Vesci 109). It is actually intriguing to consider that Vedic tradition promoted domestic animals as being different from wild animals when taking into account the idea of sacrifice. The former are apparently more important as a sacrifice in comparison to the latter because they actually belong to individuals and are a direct statement that the respective people actually want to perform Yajna. Yajna is meant to induce intense feelings in people, especially considering that the fact that theyRead MoreHinduism : A Model For Religious Toleration Essay2153 Words  | 9 Pages regularly illustrating its inclusive nature and holistic perspective of the world throughout history. Buddhism, for instance, is a reformed, sub-religion of Hinduism that was created by those unsatisfied with the direction of the Hindu faith at the time. Determined to stay relevant during this realignment, the Hindu religion then incorporated many of the basic ideals and practices of Buddhism into its own, once again securing its status as the majority religion within India. This paper will firstRead MoreEssay on Hinduism1657 Words  | 7 Pagesreligion combines rich ethnical and standard beliefs. We will take a closer look and try to understand the Hindu religion and culture. The Hindu religion is the oldest religion of the five major religions, which are Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism (Major World Religions, 2006). The Hindu religion began to develop about 4.000 years ago in India, but it there was no single founder or system of belief (Major World Religions, 2006). There are many diverse and various Gods in the
Increase Tourism from India and China in Australia
Question: Write abusiness research proposal on the topic Increase Tourism from India and China in Australia. Answer: Introduction 1.1 Business Research Topic: This business research proposal is based on the topic Increase Tourism from India and China in Australia. This proposal topic is significant for a business because the increased tourism within the country Australia will enhance the economic condition of the nation. In addition to this, the other industries in the nation will also get enhanced and enriched, providing an economic support to the country (Chen 2013). It has been found that the numbers of inbound travelers are constantly increasing in Australia; this implies a growing tourism industry. Therefore, it can be said that the particular research proposal is a significant one for business. 1.2 Background of the Research Nowadays inbound tourism industry plays a vital role in the economic condition of the nation Australia. Tourism is considered as the integrated element of the Australian Bureau of Statistics satellite account, which endeavors to compute the amount of contribution by the specified industry to the economy of nation. It has been noted that over 460,000 people have been employed in the Australian tourism industry that has increased the rate of employment within the country. It can also be said that the tourism industry in Australia covers about 4.6 % share of the total employment (Darwazeh 2011). It has been denoted that Australia is an expensive choice of tourism in comparison to Europe and the USA. The tourism industry gives a significant contribution to both the economic activity and employment of Australia. It has been found that both the inbound tourism and domestic tourism are much developed in the country Australia and both have positive effect on the economic condition of the fir m. In this research proposal paper, the inbound industry has been focused primarily. At recent days, the result of tourism measures are not only bounded to expenditure on leisure activities, but this is also related with expenditure regarding travelling for business, education, visiting relatives and friends (VFR), training and other personal reasons. Therefore, this research will be performed based on some variables. 1.2.1 Research Questions What are the facilities to be provided in order to increase tourism in Australia from India and China? What are the impact of income, price and tourism in both the nations i.e. India and China? How do the marketing events, special programs and advertising affect the tourism in the country Australia? 1.3 Brief Description of Research Methodologies In this research proposal, both primary and secondary research methodologies will be utilized in order to analyze the problem statements in detail. For secondary research, data will be collected from various tourism websites, journals, articles and various researches. On the other hand, for primary research, questionnaire survey of inbound tourists and interview of the managers of the tourism department of Australia will be arranged with the aim to scrutinize the stated problems. 1.4 Research Process 1.5 Outline of the Report This report is consisted of five separate chapters but these are inter-linked with each other. In chapter one, introduction to the research topic, the background of the research, problem statements and research questions has been highlighted. In chapter two, literature review of the research topic has been discussed. In chapter three, the methodologies to be used during the process of research has been discussed and in fourth chapter the probable outcome of the collected data has been highlighted. Lastly, in fifth chapter, the conclusion from the research proposal has been drawn. References 6, P. and Bellamy, C. 2012.Principles of methodology. London: SAGE. Alexander, M. 2013.Management planning for nature conservation. Heidelberg: Springer. Altinay, L., Paraskevas, A. and Jang, S. 2015.Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism. Florence: Taylor and Francis. Amaro, S. and Duarte, P. 2013. Online travel purchasing: A literature review.Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing, 30(8), pp.755-785. Biddle, J. and Emmett, R. 2011.Research
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Compare the Benefits of Using Manual and Computerised Accounting System to Record Business Transactions free essay sample
This is easier for businesses because they don’t have to add up the contents by their self’s and it’s less likely for them to make a mistake. List auto fill allows you to automatically extend the cells, where it allows you to make new changes rather than starting again. Auto fill is another feature which allows you to quickly fill in the cells with repetitive data such as numbers and text. Auto fill can also be used to copy and paste data, where you can modify text and numbers. Auto shapes toolbar is used to create a number of geometrical shapes, arrows, flowchart, Pie, Bar, Line charts, graphs, stars and etc†¦PivotTable allow you to sum data in a short period of time allowing you to perform data analysis and generating reports like periodic financial statements, statistical reports, etc†¦another feature is that it allows businesses to analyse complex data relations graphically. Businesses that use Microsoft excel: Retailers, accountants, banks, individuals to manage their finical life. Sage Software Features: Sage is a software that allows businesses to help businesses manage their money and keep track of payments and cash flow. Sage makes sure that businesses keep up to date with their customers and share information throughout the company. The sage software allows companies whom are taking payments, either online or in person easier. Sage is a software that allows business to manage their customer contacts, resources and costs to deliver it makes sure that it provides their customers an excellent service. Sage is flexible with any business for example if you’re working in manufacturing, sage products helps you manage your components and developments. Businesses that use Sage: Accountants, flowerets, Bookkeepers, entrepreneurs, manufactures and etc†¦ Quick books Features: Quick books is a software that is easy to set up and learn to use. Quick books organize your businesses finances all under one file which is easy to locate information on. Quick books is allows businesses to easily create invoices, observe sales amp; expenses that the business is making. Quick books make sure that they get reliable records for tax time as this is a benefit for the business. Quick book also manages and stores customer, supplier, and employee information safely. Quick books allows businesses to online banking without using paper. Businesses that use it: Retailers, supermarkets, entrepreneurs, accountants, students. E. F. T. A. P. S: Electronic Funds Transfer At Point sale. Features: E. F. T. A. P. S helps people pay for good by transferring money from there bank cards to the businesses instead of using cash. E. F. T. A. P. S makes sure that the customer’s credit or debit card is read by a card reader when it’s being swiped when the customer is purchasing a product. E. F. T. A. P. S allows customers to receive request which are sent by the bank requesting them authorisation of the payment. Therefore if approval is given by the customer to the business, money from the customer’s account are transferred into the businesses account. E. F. T. A. P. S allows people not have to withdraw any money out of the bank before going shopping. E. F. T. A. P. S also prevents customers from carrying a large sum of money around with them. E. F. T. A. P. S allows you to see a statement that is clearly stating the transactions a person has made. Businesses that use it: Supermarkets, retailers, individuals and etc†¦ What’s the benefit amp; limitations of computerising? Sharing data amp; files: Computers allows businesses to communicate with other divisions anywhere around the world or even within the work place. For example all the computers in businesses are connected therefore if a person wanted to out down some information about a customer it would be saved onto all the other computer systems as well so that information can be shared. The limitations of computerising is that businesses might accidently leak data about customers to the public due to an unreliable employee, this would create problems for the business because customers and employees may frown upon this. It stores information about customers: The benefit of computers for businesses is that they have the ability to copy data and information about customers on to their system; computers are also able to distribute data and information fast. Another benefit is that computers can organise files in an order that they can find easily. However if a business was to store information on paper this would take up room and it would be hard to look through. The limitations of this is that a computer doesn’t last forever when too much data is kept on the computer the computer starts to slow down. Therefore it’s better for businesses to keep data about its customers on paper as well as computers. Processing power: Businesses can access information and data on different types of computerised methods, for example smart phones, laptop, ipad and etc†¦ all allow businesses to access information from a small device that is portable rather than sitting at a computer which could cause health risks to employees. This allows businesses to be flexible with their time. The limitations of processing power is that it could be expensive businesses don’t have a lot of money to purchase different forms of technology, when employees could just use one computer. Information could be backed up therefore nothing would be lost: Another benefit of computerising is that it allows businesses to back up data and information on it so that no data is lost in the process. The limitations of this is that computers can’t be trusted because the computer might not back up data correctly therefore data would be lost, of the film may not open because it wasn’t saved correctly. What’s the benefit amp; limitations of manual system? Cost: The benefit of manual system is the cost saving money. Where computerising software’s can be expensive. Businesses can save money by doing work on paper, for example if a business’s wants to work out all their profit amp; loss, balance sheets, budgets all in all they could work out accounting in a paper ledger. If the businesses does the work themselves, they would be able to save the cost of paying an accountant. The limitations of this is that some businesses don’t have time to do work by hand because it takes a lot of time. Therefore they would hire an accountant to do that work which could be really expansive. Managing time: The limitations of manual system is that it’s time consuming. By not having a computer the business must categorizing and total figures, by themselves without the usage of a computer. Therefore it takes a lot of hours to do manual system than it does with computerized systems. Managing time for manual systems doesn’t really have a benefit because it’s not beneficial for the business. Manual systems allows businesses or individuals to be away and free from computers. Managing manual systems allows you to do work from the comfort of your own home or during a bus or train travel. Allowing you to work on other things within your work place. Businesses also don’t have to watch out for any issues with the computer such as glitches and software crashes. The limitations of manual system is that you have to make sure that all your work in accurate and double-check your work because you are not able to just correct it like you would if you were using computers. You would also have to physically write in numbers. Another limitation is that manual system is long and boring than computerized accounting which is faster. The benefit of using manual system is that the accounting that the person is writing out keeps fresh in the person’s mind, rather than relying on a computer. For example if a businesses wanted preform a series of accounting tasks using a computer but the computer breaks down the business needs to make sure that the person knows how to perform these tasks manually rather than depending on the computer. In this assignment I have compared all the benefits of using manual and computerised accounting system to record business transactions, and I have come to the conclusion that computerised systems is better for a business to use because it allows them to perform a variety of tasks.
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